Residential telephony only

A local cooperative connecting us
to optical fiber
Complete and affordable
Long distance calls
Unlimited throughout Quebec
Call Display
See who is calling you
Included in each plan
Monthly plans
With another service
We want to make sure that you are aware of the important differences between the operation of the VoIP 9-1-1 service and the traditional 9-1-1 service. See the Terms and Conditions section for more information.
FAQ and Technical Support
[User Guide and Overseas Fee's Call]
[Voicemail *98]
Here are two easy ways to access your Voicemail:
- From your home, dial *98. No password is required if messages are taken from your home.
- From a remote location, dial your phone number. Press * as soon as you hear your greeting message and follow the instructions:
Your phone number corresponds to the Voicemail number;
Your temporary remote access password is 1234. To change this password, you must access your Voicemail, then dial 0 for “options” and 5 for changing.
Your voicemail is activated after 30 seconds, which corresponds to 6 rings.
How do I connect my phone to the Nokia modem?
Here’s a short video to guide you through the process.
Please note that the video is in French, an English version will follow shortly.
[BACK-UP BATTERY] How to stop the alarm bipping on the back-up battery?
During a power outage, you can stop the alarm by pressing “Alarm Silence”, located at the top left corner of the battery. Here’s a short video to guide you through the process. Please note that the video is in French, an English version will follow shortly.
[BACK-UP BATTERY] How do I connect the Nokia modem to the power supply via a back-up battery (UPS)?
Click on the following link for PDF instructions: UPS installation
Here’s a short video explaining the steps involved. Please note that the video is in French, an English version will follow shortly.