Contract award

Contract management policy

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List of contracts awarded for the 2019 financial year

In accordance with articles 961.3 and 961.4 of the Code municipal du Québec, the list of contracts awarded by the Cooperative and which involve an expenditure of at least $ 25,000 is accessible on the electronic tendering system of the Government of Quebec by clicking on the link below.

In accordance with article 961.4 of the Code municipal du Québec, the list of contracts awarded by the Cooperative involving an expenditure of more than $ 2,000 spent during the last complete preceding financial year, with the same co-contractor when all of these contracts involves a total expenditure of over $ 25,000, can be accessed by clicking on the link below.

No contract for 2019

Procedure for filing a complaint as part of the award or granting of a contract

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Contract award

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